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PRO-YOUTH | Erasmus + Project

“PRO-YOUTH: strategic cooperation for more efficient international work based learning schemes in the field of heritage tourism”  

Promimpresa è partner all’interno del progetto europeo PRO-YOUTH, cofinanziato dal programma Erasmus + dell’Unione europea.

Promimpresa insieme al leader di progetto European Foundation for Education (Germania) ed ai partner Asociata pentru Educatie si Dezvoltare Durabila (Romania)the Bulgarian Industrial Association  (Bulgaria)Foundation Work Knowledge at Work (Croazia), affronta la tematica della disoccupazione giovanile e dell’importanza dell’accrescimento delle skills nell’ambito del turismo culturale e del patrimonio locale. PRO-YOUTH mira a realizzare un modello di apprendimento che combina l’istruzione, la formazione e la pratica; il quadro metodologico è ispirato al modello tedesco di successo, che dimostra che le esperienze lavorative conducono agevolmente all’occupazione anche in paesi con alti tassi di disoccupazione.

PRO-YOUTH si svolgerà tra ottobre 2018 e marzo 2021.


Per informazioni aggiuntive, visitare il link: PRO-YOUTH

“PRO-YOUTH: strategic cooperation for more efficient international work based learning schemes in the field of heritage tourism”  

Promimpresa is partner in the European project PRO-YOUTH, co-funded by the Erasmus + program of the European Union.
Promimpresa, with the leader partner European Foundation for Education (Germany) and the partners Asociata pentru Educatie si Dezvoltare Durabila (Romania), the Bulgarian Industrial Association (Bulgaria), Foundation Work Knowledge at Work (Croatia), addresses the issue of youth unemployment and of the importance of increasing skills in cultural tourism and heritage. PRO-YOUTH aims to realize a Working Base Learning Scherme that combines education, training and practice; the methodological framework is inspired by the successful German model, which shows that work experience easily leads to employment even in countries with high unemployment rates.
PRO-YOUTH is running between October 2018 and March 2021.


Further informations: PRO-YOUTH


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