Promimpresa is a partner of the Interreg-Med project “TOURISMED – Fishing Tourism for a Sustainable tourism development in the Mediterranean area” (ref.n.985). The project has a duration of 30 months.

Alongside the TOURISMED project team, Promimpresa is pursuing the goal of testing and transferring a fishing-tourism business model to the coastal areas of Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Albania, France and Spain as a prototype aimed at promoting a sustainable tourism approach, while fostering the preservation of the marine ecosystem and the traditional fishing culture within the Mediterranean region.
The areas involved in the project face the common challenge of finding new solutions to the worrying depletion of marine resources, the weakening of the artisanal fishing sector and the negative impacts of mass tourism, such as loss of cultural heritage and ecological degradation. For this reason, the aim of the project is to promote fishing tourism as a practice for a revival of coastal and maritime tourism in the Mediterranean area.
Lead partner: Municipality of Trabia (Sicily, Italy)
Project partners:
– PRISM – Promozione Internazionale Sicilia-Mondo (Sicily, Italy)
– Delfi Partners & Co (Cyprus)
– University of Piraeus (Greece)
– Cyprus University Of Technology (Cyprus)
– Durres Municipality (Albania)
– Italian Chamber of Commerce for France in Marseille (Provence, France),
– Haliéus (Italy)
– Valenciaport Foundation (Spain)
- Pilot tests of the model and an evaluation tool to assess its replicability in the areas concerned: 6 tourism itineraries linked to the maritime traditional heritage and valorization of local seafood products
- A training course involving fishermen in order to improve tourist itineraries in synergy with local tourism operators: 90 fishermen trained in the management of a sustainable sea-based business
- The final model, promoted through a web tool addressed to the users interested in creating a fishing tourism business, at the same time an interactive map of itineraries will be created in order to reach potential tourists: 1 integrated fishing-tourism business model linking sustainable fishing, local natural resources and traditional products
- Memoranda of understanding among public bodies and fishing associations, together with policy recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the project’s impacts: 6 regional fishing tourism consortia adopting the integrated business model.
Our Partners:

FishingTourism platform
Facebook page @tourismed.interregmed
Twitter @tourismed_prj