Promimpresa Società Benefit srl is the project coordinator of the Erasmus+ project “STRANDS – Schools in Transformation with Readiness, Adaptations and Nurturing Digital Skills (2021-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000032589)”. The project has a duration of 24 months, starting in December 2021 and ending in December 2023.

Promimpresa Società Benefit srl (Italy) and partners ICEP s.r.o. (Slovakia), Redial Partnership CLG (Ireland), EDUPUNTOZERO SRL (Italy), A & A Emphasys Interactive Solutions Ltd (Cyprus) are pursuing the goal to ease the transition into blended learning and distance learning of educators and learners, by supporting them in embracing digital methodologies into learning practices, while building emotional bonds between educators and learners, and among learners.
- To enhance methodological and pedagogical capacities in teachers and educators, in order to enable them to use digital technologies and to increase their digital mindset
- To support learners in the transition into distance learning and in the integration of digital means into their lives
- To engage families and communities into learning practices, in order to increase digital awareness while tackling isolation
- School teachers and educators (≥ 200 participants)
- Students and learners (≥ 1000 participants)
- Families and communities (≥ 25 participants)
- Schools, educational institutions, other relevant stakeholders and general public
The project sets out to produce 5 Results :
Teachers-led ICT Online Community Platform
Guidelines for Technical Tips for an Inclusive Digital Learning
Interactive Virtual Classes Toolkit
E-Safety Manual for Families and Students
Protocol for the Certification of Competence