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Promimpresa is a partner of the Erasmus+ project “SoftSkils4EU: Promote your Soft Skills with Open Badges – Pr.n. 2018-1-SI01-KA204-047088”. The project has a duration of 24 months, starting in October 2018 and ending in September 2020.

Together with the project coordinator RIC Novo Mesto (Slovenia) and partners Emphasys (Cyprus), PAR University (Croatia), DUO (The Netherlands), Promimpresa is pursuing the goal of identifying the key soft skills within the competencies defined in the Europass Tool and then develop a standardized reference framework, a validation tool for those competences and a supporting document. 

Project objectives are:

  • To identify the key soft skills needed in Europe
  • To develop new e-validation and e-learning tools, using the concept of “open badges“
  • To develop a standardized system for self-evaluation and validation
  • To develop a strategy for recognition, aimed towards employers, counsellors and other relevant stakeholders.

The main target groups addressed are:

  • Job Seekers
  • Migrants
  • Adult Educators

The project sets out to produce 5 Intellectual Outputs:


Competence framework for soft skills


Soft skills curriculum and learning tools


Open Badges eco-system for Upskilling soft skills


Implementation of pilot training


Amendment of developed results to the specific needs and characteristics of migrants

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