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“The effectiveness of the justice system depends on the dedication, commitment, and well-being of those who work within it. If the staff is not supported, the system cannot succeed.”
– George J. Mitchell (former U.S. Senator)

Who is working on it?

M-PAVE is an Erasmus+ -funded KA210-VET – Small-scale partnership in vocational education and training between RICHTUNGSWECHSEL and Promimpresa. This project actively supports the Pact for Skills ‘Liberate Skills’ and its pledge to increase the professionalisation of correctional staff.

The project aims to create a structured mentoring program for correctional staff, using insights from the PRISGRADS project and mentoring models like the Unlocked Program. Focusing on reflective practice, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and communication skills, it aims to reduce burnout, improve job satisfaction, and foster professional growth.

The project will deliver a validated mentor training curriculum for high-stress settings, align training with labor market needs, and initiate a scalable, adaptable mentoring framework for European correctional facilities.
Project ID: 2024-2-AT01-KA210-VET-000276861

“This project addresses the significant challenges faced by European correctional staff, including burnout, high turnover, and limited support, which impact prison environments and rehabilitation efforts. By establishing a structured mentoring program for staff, it aims to supply a framework to improve staff well-being, retention, and professional development, which are crucial for effective, humane prison systems. The program supports SDG goals, promoting decent work, lifelong learning, and safer communities by reducing recidivism through better-trained, supported staff and inclusive prison practices.

The project targets four main groups within prison institutions:

Front-Line Prison Staff – Includes officers, mental health professionals, and social workers who will benefit from the training framework in emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and communication to enhance job satisfaction and retention.
Existing Mentors – Current mentors will receive advanced training to better support front-line staff and foster a collaborative learning environment.
Prison Administrators & Decision-Makers – Their involvement is crucial for alignment with institutional goals, promoting program adoption, and ensuring long-term sustainability.
External Experts & Collaborators – Organizations like Unlocked Graduates and Mentoring Austria will bring specialized knowledge, ensuring the program’s adaptability and grounding in best practices across European prison systems.

These groups contribute to the program’s development, implementation, & sustainability.

The project is synthesizing research, developing a mentoring workshop & conducting interactive webinars for prison staff. Expert feedback will refine mentoring content, followed by an in-person workshop in Italy with practical exercises for validity. Virtual seminars will disseminate the framework across Europe, accompanied by evaluations to measure impact.
Management involves regular meetings, quality control, & sustainability planning to foster long-term engagement and international collaboration.

Lead Partner: Richtungswechsel (RWECH)

Richtungswechsel (RWECH) is a non-profit organization focused on transforming the prison service through innovative recruitment and high-quality training programs for correctional staff. RWECH coordinates the PRISGRADS project, which develops mentoring and professional development opportunities for prison staff, fostering continuous learning and improving support within prisons. Additionally, RWECH runs the WORKPRIS initiative to enhance working conditions for third-sector employees in prisons and offers leadership training for middle management in the correctional system. With strong connections to universities, NGOs, and the Austrian prison system, RWECH focuses on developing future leaders in the prison service.

Our Partners:

Promimpresa is a dynamic company specializing in training, corporate consulting, European project design, HR services, and certification. Through their EU project initiatives, they promote sustainable local development by designing innovative cross-sectoral projects, creating training curricula for green skills, and managing international activities. hey also provide advisory services, including partnership facilitation, funding acquisition, and project planning for public and private organizations.With a skilled team, expert network, and strong European partnerships, Promimpresa fosters inclusion, research, and the advancement of formal, informal, and non-formal education systems, driving social and economic growth.


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