Promimpresa is a partner of the project “Transnational Entrepreneurship and Corporate Learning: Fostering Effective Internationalization Strategies in Academic Spin Offs – GLOBAL-SPIN” (574706-EPP- 1-2016- 1-ES- EPPKA2-KA), funded under the Erasmus+ programme – KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Knowledge Alliances.

The partnership
Fundación General Universidad de Granada Empresa (Spain)
Hellenic Open University (Greece)
Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Promimpresa (Italy)
Crystal Clear Soft Digital Education (Greece)
INOVA (United Kingdom)
Advancis Business Services (Portugal)
Aim and Purpose
The project aims to to develop an innovative and inclusive training tool for managers of academic Spin Offs on transnational entrepreneurship, based in a new approach to corporate learning and using web and tablet technologies, to provide the knowledge, skills and resources needed for these professionals to implement effective strategies of internationalization in their ventures.
As a result, the consortium expects to give a contribution to an increase on the European academic Spin Offs´ competitiveness by supporting these organizations to deal effectively with the challenges of markets´ globalization, supporting them in the decisions taking affecting two internationalization strategies: a) the commercialization of new products and services abroad and b) the competition, attraction and recruitment of global talent.
- To identify the knowledge, the skills and the individual resources those define to success transnational entrepreneurs operating across sectors and European countries.
- To assess effective strategies of internationalization of Spin Offs impacting the commercialization of new products, services or prototypes abroad and the attraction and recruitment of global talent.
- To design a new approach to corporate learning through the development and implementation of an innovative and inclusive training tool for Web/Tablets on transnational entrepreneurship (the “Communicator/Performer Tool”) to better prepare University researchers managing academic Spin Offs to take effective decisions on internationalization.
- To test and validate the results in a sample of European academic Spin Offs working in different sectors of activity.
- To disseminate the results Europe-wide next to target groups to maximize the impact and sustainability.
- To design Open Education Resources based on the corporate learning programme to be shared in the Open Education Europe Area.
- To create a Transnational Entrepreneurs Forum (TEF) at European level aiming to share views and to support the transnational entrepreneurship.
The project sets out to create an innovative and inclusive tool called “Communicator/Performer” for web/tablets with two modes:
A version for the instructor called “communicator”
A version for the learners called “performers”
This tool will focus on the specific needs, knowledge, skills and resources of Spin-Offs and its managers, and how they lead to successful venture internationalization strategies.